Here are some pix of our last couple days. We were scheduled to be induced Dec 18th and I had started having some serious contractions that morning at 3:30am so we're happy to announce that by 3:03pm we had our little Sophia May. She weighed 7 lb 5 oz at birth and was 20 3/4 " long. Not bad considering she was 10 days ahead of the due date we had. She came out looking for her hand to suck on and she's done great nursing so far. Look at all that hair! So cool! Her eyes are dark blue right now, we'll see if that changes. Katie and Taylor are excited to have her here with us and Katie keeps saying "Baby Sophia is my favorite sister". I keep telling her "That's wonderful, because she's your only sister!". I'm happy to have the pregnancy and labor all over. I'm impatient to have recovery over with, but luckily with the holiday, Craig has some time off and my Mom and Dad are coming in tomorrow so it'll be a good time to take it slow for a couple weeks. You can see in the pix, the birthday party that we had for Sophia at the hospital and then her coming home and our new family pix. We'll have to get one all together!
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15 years ago