Here's Katie's breakfast and Valentine.
Here's Taylor at breakfast. Can't you just feel his excitement?? hee hee
I was going through old pix to fill a photo book for Katie and I found this awesome collection of great Craig moments!! I really love the tiny one of him being a "super missionary" see if you can "I Spy" it! I would have scanned them but seeing as I'm allergic to printers I couldn't get ours to work so I had to get creative and just do a collage and take a pic and then download it.
We went out to dinner on Saturday for Valentine's day. We tried a new restaurant that we'd heard about and it was amazing! I also got to get my haircut. It's been a really good holiday!
Craig and the kids got me these great necklaces! I really like them! The necklace from the kiddos even came with earrings (I'm so relieved it doesn't say "#1 Grandma" like the LAST necklace she got me!).
Just a couple minutes ago the doorbell rang. I thought it was a kid to play with Taylor but, even better, it was tulips for me from Craiggle!! Here's our Valentines to each other also.
You can't tell in this pic, but these are pink waffles. Katie was soooo excited that I made them for everybody this morning for breakfast!
This can go in the photo collection at the top of the post! I got Craiggle this chocolate rose with his Valentine! We've had a great day already and it's only about half over. Taylor, Sophie and I are going to the school in a hour for Katie's class Valentine party. Taylor is so excited to go to "Daycare" (they have a play room for the older siblings and since kindergarten is only every other day here we are gonna need it today, can you tell I feel robbed?). I should really get a job so he can go EVERY day since he's so excited!!
Then we are doing eggs and biscuits for dinner (pink heart biscuits, of course) and then we're decorating and delivering heart cookies for FHE. Pretty exciting!
Whew..all those posts... Great recipes too!..I love the magic cookie ones, only when I was kiddo we called them "chippie dippies"..ask Craig if he remembers that! Looks like Valentines day is a winner at your house..Enjoy!
Fun day at the Starkey's! Love the pics.
The pictures of Craig are way fun!! Looks like a fun, sweet time at your house!! Love the tulips...like a little bit of spring coming in the door!!!
Fun fact I just thought of...Did you know Craig helped the Elders with one of my discussion when I was investigating the church before he left on his mission? Those missionary pictures made me remember it.
When I first saw the post, no videos were there..just watched them and laughed my head off! Sophie is too cute for words, however, she's OK right? I mean, Craig didn't really throw her off did he?? (just kidding!) I didn't hear any crying!
"Sparkle Shoes" is my new quote of the day.
Yeah, what's up with dumping the baby? Is she still excited to play sledding? :)
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