Yaya, Alexis and Amanda, searching for eggs. You can't really tell from the pic, but all 4 Starkey boys have white vehicles! I thought that was really funny!
Phil and Addy! I can't believe how tall she already is! I don't think Sophie will ever be able to catch up!
FHE snacks on Monday were ice cream cones. I think Sophie is really enjoying hers!
Counting up the eggs.
Katie's poses are too fun!
The kids really enjoyed the outlet mall, can't you tell? (Sophie has learned to pose for the camera, she's saying "cheese").
Sunday's Easter Egg Hunt. Sophie was so good at carrying her basket.
Such a nice day for a bonfire!
Too cute!
Our little Easter bunny! To think I bought this costume when I was prego with Katie on clearance at the Gap outlet for $12. It's come in handy!
Look Sophie has enough hair for pig tails!! This was taken at our house on Wednesday the day before we left.
Here are some pix from our Easter weekend. Sorry they are sort of out of order. I guess I thought I could rearrange them after I uploaded them. Just follow the captions and I'm sure you'll be fine!
We drove down to Toledo last Thursday to visit Kent and Leisy and catch a showing of "Wicked". It was really quite a show. Thanks to Leisy to suggesting it and for watching my kiddos while Craig and I went. The Theater is just down the street from their house! We even got to walk home! It was heavenly!
After hanging out with Leisy, Kent, Zeb and Ike for a little bit, we jumped back in the car and headed down to Ashland.
Friday was the weather was gorgeous. We went out to the outlet malls to get some summer clothes for the fam. Yaya came with us. It was so much fun. We got summer jammies and some new shoes for Katie and played at the park and had a picnic lunch.
After we got back to Yaya and Paw paw's we put together some foil dinners and Paw Paw lit a fire. The kids had fun roasting hot dogs and then we made s'mores. It was a picture perfect day, until Taylor threw up all over everything and continued to be sick for the next 24 hrs. Yuck. We have a horrible track record for sick kids and Ohio. I have to admit I'm terrified of throwing up, especially in conjunction with Ohio. Too many horrible memories.
Thankfully Sunday was a beautiful day without any puking. The Easter bunny came a day late and brought very little candy, but he did bring bubbles and some fun outside games. I loved that General Conference fell on the same weekend as Easter. I love the quiet, calm that comes along with General Conference weekend. It was fun to visit with Leisy and Kent when they came down and later hang out with "the cousins". I was glad we got to see Phil and Amanda, Alexis and Addy. It was too bad that I didn't bring Katie and Sophie's dresses along, they all would have matched and made such a cute picture! I can't believe how big Summer, Driana and Anthony have gotten. Katie was so excited to see them Sunday afternoon at the big Starkey Easter egg hunt.