Well, she has finally had enough parental supervision to learn how to ride her bike on her own without training wheels! Hurray for Katie and hurray for us. She has been practicing (whenever Craig was available as my arms weren't long enough when I was prego and I didn't run fast enough then either)since last summer to ride her bike without training wheels. She's addicted to biking now. I hear it all day long and all night. "Can I got out and ride my bike now?". I'm excited for her, don't get me wrong. I'm just not excited to bundle everybody up and go out and stand on the driveway in 40 degree weather and watch her ride and tell her to get out of the street when a car is coming. Everyday after school (except when it's raining) she gets to ride and then again before dinner usually and sometimes while I'm making dinner if Craiggle is home early enough. I really miss our "old Kentucky home" now. Such a nice big, flat driveway, spacious garage and plenty of sidewalks. Also a nice no-traffic culdesac and a huge back patio. Oh well, this probably won't be our last house.
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15 years ago