Craig got bit by something wicked this week. We're not really sure what got him, but I think it happened on Monday. We went to the park to let the kids play and Craig went for a run around the park while we were there. When we got back I noticed those red bites on the back of his knee. That night he felt feverish and achy and the next day he felt miserable. His bites looked NASTY! All red and swollen and weepy. Icky! I tried to get him to go to the Dr before he headed out of town, but he said he didn't have time, so he went the next afternoon when he came back from his business trip. The dr. said it didn't look like a brown recluse or black widow bite. But something got him. It looks like it fell on his leg while he was running and then got pinched when he bent his leg and it bit him. Anyhow, he's got 4x's a day antibiotics and a topical cream so we can avoid an amputation (hee hee). The laying down pic is a reenactment of how miserable he felt.
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15 years ago
Oh that's terrible. Maybe you should have the smurfs come over and help him feel better.
Oh my, you'd better move back to Ohio. We don't have spiders that awful. I hear the Wooster ward needs a relief society pres. and I'm sure Bishop Parsons would find Craig a little something to do....feeling better now eggie??? Remember the sick rules of the Arends household? " You get three days to get better..If Jesus could rise in three days, so can you!"Grandma Arends
wow craigo! nasto spider bite. We'll still talk to you after the amputation.
oops- that was me, leisy, not my mum
Yikes! Chris told me it was ugly, but I guess I didn't think it would be that bad! I hope by now you're much better.
I love the Arends sick rules - "If Jesus can rise in three days, so can you!" Kind of makes me wish I still had kids at home. :)
i sure hope you don't die craig.
Man, that's nasty! I like the reenactment ;) They have some weirdo bugs down there in the south!
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