Sunday, June 8, 2008

Happy Holidays!

So, for those of you who haven't heard, we are expecting another baby to arrive on Christmas Day!! Yeah, we thought we try one more time and see if we got a baby that had dark hair or eyes this time. Think it'll happen? I'm sure I don't know the odds, but it's possible, supposedly the dark hair/eye gene is dominant. hmmm...Here's a couple pix of our first two as they appeared when we first met them. Katie is being "nursed" by Craig's nose and Taylor was looking angelic (something he rarely does anymore, but had mastered as an infant!).


donna said...

Happy New Baby! All my friends are really happy for you (and I am too!) Say, Dad knows a man who has two daughters, one named Bethlehem and one named December, so if the Mary and Jesus names don't work out, maybe those will. :)

Amy and Craig said...

Those are great options, I'll pass them by Craig, he apparently doesn't like "religious" names. Hee hee

amber said...

Amy! I'm so excited for you! I actually read your blog all the time because I love to hear all the adventures you are up to, but I rarely find time to email anyone. But this was exciting news! What a Christmas present. How fun for you guys. I hope all is well and you're feeling okay enough! Take care...Amber Adams. :)

Josh n Betsie said...

CONGRATS! Is it just one or two? hee hee! I just had to ask...they are coming by twos alot lately. I hope you are feeling well.

Amy and Craig said...

I double checked that there was just one, so it looks like we'll be a family of 5.

LauraJ said...

Congrats, and Happy Holidays is right!! That is super exciting - we hope all goes smoothly and that you are feeling great!

Robert Jaynes said...

Congratulations! We are super excited for you. Since none of these "second cousins" have ever met, I think we need to figure out how to see you guys sometime!

yaya said...

Those pics are so sweet! Katie's blanket/sweater just cracks me up!Taylor was the most beautiful baby ever. I know #3 will be too and I'm hoping for that dark curly hair with brown eyes too! Great Christmas present. Looks like your shopping is done! Congrats, we love you!

Rachael said...

what exciting news! I just love hearing about other people having babies... so long as it's not me this time! We are SO anxious to see if you get a dark eyed version this time. your kids are so beautiful, it's fun to imagine brown eyes on a pretty Starkey baby face!

Kristen said...

Congratulations!!!! That will be a fun Christmas present for the whole family! Haha now I just realized why you titled the post Happy Holidays. Very clever ;) I'm voting for the name Bethlehem from Donna's comment. If it's a girl she can just go by Beth and a boy can go by Ehem (but the just sounds like you are clearing your throat or trying to get someone's attention) Three kids is a great number. That's what's on my to do list someday :) I'm way excited for you!

Kent and Leisy said...

apparently I'm slow and never read this post. I saw the one above it when you posted- but skipped right over this one. Hailey informed me when i got here to Utah. hip hip hooray for another starkey baby!! you guys make good ones.

Jordan said...

CONGRATULATIONS!! I'm so excited for you guys! I love my Christmas baby so I'm sure you guys will too. Evidently Sagitarius' are good ones ;) I think (if you play the odds) you have a good chance of getting your dark haired baby; I'll keep you in my wishes this year!! I hope pregnancy is treating you well and hope to hear from you soon!!!

Donna said...

Congrats on your Christmas "angel"!!!

Donna said...

Congrats on your Christmas "angel"!!!