The elves made some really cool rubberband guns and a target for Craig and Taylor to play with! Pretty neat-o! It's a like a rubberband machine gun! AWESOME! They can hold up to 200 rubberbands! WHOA!
Here's our Christmas dinner. We had ham all last week so we decided to try out some of the steaks that Craig's parents gifted us for Christmas dinner this year! The twice baked potatoes were great too! It was so nice to not have a whole day of cooking to look forward to after Christmas morning! Thanks Mommo and Dad Starkey!
T-money also got some drums!
Katie had a surprise gift. My mom's gift had come at the all too cricital Bus stop time and had gotten hastily hidden in the front hall closet. Thankfully after all the other gifts were opened I remembered it! It was so fun for her to have the last gift of Christmas! It sure didn't hurt that it was a Rapunzel Barbie and a Flynn Rider and some changes of clothes for the barbie!
My mom sent a fun trunk of dress-ups to Sophie. They are really cute and fit her well! Doesn't she look great?!
Rachael and my mom sent Taylor all the Harry Potter costume stuff. He opened the wand on Christmas eve and even slept with it that night!
Here's us on Christmas morning! Pretty great haul Santa! Sophie is getting ready to put on her dress-ups, she didn't sleep naked! :>
We made cookie bars for Santa this year. He was grateful for the variety!
Instead of going out to breakfast (as we have done traditionally in my family) we went out to dinner. It was fabulous to me to have some time out of the kitchen! Katie is trying to cross her eyes.
Check out Taylor's silly face! We went to a local place called "Bagger Daves". They have great sandwiches and burgers and really great french fries! After dinner we drove around and looked at Christmas lights then headed home to make cookies for Santa and read the scriptural accounts of Christ's birth and then "The Night Before Christmas". The kids got to each open one gift then. They were so excited! It was such a nice Christmas. I really enjoyed getting to go to Church Christmas morning and sit as a family. I had a hard time wanting to go to sleep last night because it had been such a wonderful day.
Sounds wonderful. What great memories you are making!
Love all the funny faces...what kids with personality! Sounds like you may be finding rubber bands ALL over the place for the next few weeks but looks like fun! Neat that Katie got to have the last gift and the steaks sound like a wonderful gift! Happy holidays Amy...give Craig a hug for us!!
Looks like a blast and all the fun anyone could ask for! I was trying to figure out why Taylor was wearing glasses, then I remembered the Harry Potter gift...too cute! I think you need to get Sophie and Taylor together for a dress up pic..I'm assuming Katie is too old for dress up? Have a fun week with the kids off school and that big game thing in the pic looks like it's a blast too!
loved catching up on all the fun happenings!!
Merry Christmas! Looks like you guys had so much fun, like always. Robert would be very jealous of that rubber band gun... Peter would be too!
Looks like you have so much fun! I love it all! Steaks for Christmas though... is that really allowed? :)
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