Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Our little over achiever!

Sophie started walking yesterday! She may have taken a step on her own before (about a week ago Taylor said she walked from the ottoman to the couch)but I witnessed 3 unassisted steps in a row yesterday!!! Pretty exciting. It's crazy to think that Katie and Taylor just learned to crawl at this age. I guess this kid is taking after her Daddy (now if she was talking already, then she'd be taking after me). Pretty big stuff!


Kent and Leisy said...

wow, ames! I can't believe she's already walking!! she's still baby!! I'll die if ike starts walking in a month and a half!!!

Rachael said...

WOW!! That's crazy stuff. I can't imagine such an early walker. How cute is she, though?

yaya said...

Sophie just wants to keep up with her sibs! She's soooo cute..I think she deserves M&Ms every time she takes a step! (That's what I do every time I take a step..hehehe)

Donna said...

That child is so adorable!!!!.....and obviously talented too!!!

donna said...

Hey, I don't get M&Ms when I walk. If dad offered me that I'd be much happier walking to and from the car everyday!

It is crazy to think of her walking so soon. You're right, Amy, you didn't walk then, but what you did do is stand. I'd turn around and you'd be standing in the middle of the floor. I did remember that when I saw Sophie standing there in the kitchen. Crazy!

rachel said...

Amazing little girl! My baby is so lazy- almost 1 and still no walking. Truth be told, I love it! Good luck with another mobile babe in the house!