I have paint in my hair all the time now! I started priming the house last week. I got just about a room a day done. Unfortunately I had to take off Tuesday because of my new calling. 2nd Counselor in YW. We had a super long presidency meeting during Taylor's preschool and then activity night that night. I need to paint Sophie's room next, but she's sleeping in there and when she's sleeping is the only time I can paint, but not her room. Anyhow, I was supposed to do that this weekend, but I had to teach YW so I planned that instead and tomorrow I'm in charge of our activity. Whew. Too much to do.
The unpacking is bascially done. The house is a disaster, I'm running around trying to paint and buy hooks and window coverings and find everything a new place in the new house. I'm going to start a list of things I love about the new house so I won't be so sad about all the things I REALLY REALLY miss about South Carolina (ie: our FRIENDS, the WEATHER, a house that I was done painting, hooks and shelves and curtains already done). This house is great though (will be great). It stays alot warmer (believe it or not), the basement is so fun, great storage and fun play room, fabulous guest suite. We have canned lighting in the kitchen. The fire place is so pretty (and not drafty). The neighborhood is great, we can skate on the pond across the street and we have our very own playset in the backyard and all our neighbors have dogs and kids to play with. It's usually around 11 degrees when we walk to the bus stop in the morning, but this morning the sun was out! See, there's lots of good stuff....
Here's the master bathroom. It is all finished now, but you can see when I took the picture how dark and miserable that brown/red was.
Here's Taylor's room, I primed this one first. I'm thinking we'll do a soothing gray/blue in here. Hopefully not too dark. I really want to paint his bed red. He isn't so sure about that.