Sorry it's been so long since I blogged last. Craig had youth conference last week and it's been exhausting trying to keep up with these crazy kids. I know that there are tons of people who have more than 3 kids, but there really aren't any breaks for me during the day and I'm getting a little overwhelmed. I've reached my kid limit (usually it feels like I've exceeded it). Anyhow, I borrowed a friends kids last week. She's on bedrest and I took them for the morning. They're great kids and Taylor has so much fun when they're here. Taylor posed himself in that pic where he looks like a serious pirate. So funny! Then he posed all pouty again in the pic of the three kids where he looks sad! What a ham! Saturday the kids had fabulous Primary Pioneer Day activity that ended in a bike parade led by Brigham Young on a scooter! It was so wonderful! Sophie got her passy stuck in her mouth all caddywhompus the other day and smiled through it all!
Check out the new
15 years ago
Those pics are sooo cute!!!
Hilarious! I love the kiddo with the "cars" slipper on only one foot. My grandkids are the greatest and I sure miss you guys!
It's always a party at your house! I miss you too!
Mormons are so weird...I actually thought that was a picture of an Amish man...:) I bet you're wishing you could approve comments before they posted.
Jack is sad that he isn't a pirate with Taylor in those pictures. Three isn't a fun age, is it? :) Jack is driving me nuts. Yesterday both kids were screaming and freaking out and I was hot and exhausted. I finally told Jack that I was so overwhelmed and he actually stopped being a total poop and he hugged me and told me it was okay. Maybe he meant it was okay that he was being awful, but I think he wanted me to hang in there. Love you!
Hey, I just wanted to say thanks for your comment on my's taking longer than I like, but real progress is happening! More updates later!
Lololol! That video cracks me up!! By the way, I can NOT believe how much Sophie looks like Katie! It's crazy!
Oh, what a funny video! And I'm glad that friends over kept Taylor happy. It's worth extra snacks and dishes if friends keep my kids busy!
WOW your kids have the most amazing blue eyes!! Those pics are so funny with all the silly expressions in them.
sopihe looks like a cabbage patch doll....she is getting so cute.
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