Here are more pix of the parade. Katie and Craig, the michelin man(michelin has a big plant here), the Ambominable Snowman from Rudolph. All the big players were there, it was a great night!
I love the abominable snow man! I agree with Leisy and wonder how you always manage to find these great places to live and events (street fairs in Wooster, etc...). You just attract a good time, Amy!
Established: April 29th 2000
Including: Craig, Amy, Katie and Taylor Starkey
Locations: From Provo. UT to Syrcuse, NY to Wooster, OH to Henderson, KY to Greenville, SC and now back up to the Great White North(basically from sea to shining sea).
that parade looks way better than our Christmas parade! It seems like your little town is constantly having a party.
I love the abominable snow man! I agree with Leisy and wonder how you always manage to find these great places to live and events (street fairs in Wooster, etc...). You just attract a good time, Amy!
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