Last night I accompanied Craig to the church to do some set up for the Relief Society Birthday Luau on Thursday night. I wish now I hadn't but in any case I did. While there Sophie caught her ankle under the accordion door in the Primary room and cut it quite badly and we had to take her immediately to Urgent care where she received six stitches. Poor baby! It was quite traumatizing (probably mostly to the rest of us). I took Taylor out to the waiting room while she was getting her stitches and let Craig stay with her in the exam room. We could hear the screaming and crying while they were stitching her up! It was so horrible! I was in tears! (and I'm mostly dead inside!) Anyhow, it was a late miserable night for us and thankfully once we got her home and gave her some meds she was able to sleep well and wake up only once for more ibprophen. I'm so grateful that the cut wasn't worse and we weren't in surgery!!! It drives me nuts how kids can hurt themselves on things you wouldn't even imagine to warn them about!!