Katie started 2nd grade last Wednesday. She has Mrs. Gault and really likes her. She has lots of kids in her class that she knows already and was so excited to start school on her first day. She is still really liking it although she isn't already up and dressed first thing in the morning anymore. She is doing really great at being more independent at her homework (math and spelling). She's a fabulous reader and so is also great at spelling. We're still working on getting math on a more memorized level but she's doing really well.
In other news, Sophie is so busy! Sorry for the blurry pic, but I thought it showed her "baby legs" (the little leg warmer things that you can get for crawling babies to protect their little knees) best. I wouldn't be surprised if she followed in her daddy's footsteps (literally) and started walking at 9 months. She's cruising around on everything. Sadly she keeps falling and bonking her head. I'm sure it helps add to the pain of the teeth she is working on.